Wednesday, December 28, 2005

VACATION...well sort of

Hi Readers,
I have been very busy lately. Holidays? Nope, a lot of legal issues going on in my life and preparing to move. Dread & Despair are my new middle names. I will try to get on here at least once a week to pass on a little something. I am sorry that I have not been able to dedicate more time to my favorite hobby, but sometimes life throws you a curve, this one was a 100 mph screwball! Let's suffice to say that I have three separate legal matters that have all bubbled into a giant festering boil. I have three different attorneys, two pro bono and the third has to wait for the outcome of the other two. No matter the outcome of said matters I have to move. I have lived in the same house for eight 1/2 years and sad to say I am a packrat...ever see the show Clean sweep? Well I'd be a star on that show! So I am sorting and donating and seeing the garbageman cringe as he comes down my hill. (BTW my garbageman is my lifelong friend and my son's Godfather so I am grateful that I am so fortunate, he is an angel) Of course dong all this is nervracking and creates a major sour stomache syndrome...HOW DID I GET THIS WAY?!?!?
The holidays were very non-exisitant, no tree no presents no nothing. That being said next year is right around the corner and it will be an amazing new start, I feel it in every move I make.
I hope all of you had beautiful holidays and I pray your 2006 will turn out as amazing as mine is going to be.
Talk to you all next year...Kim


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