Sunday, November 20, 2005

Bill O’Reilly who do you think you are?

Bill O’Reilly who do you think you are?
By Kimberly Brown

How dare you? Who do you think you’re talking to? Did you think for a split second before opening your mouth? I think not. Freedom of Speech is an honor to be upheld in highest esteem. Most people in your position show respect for such privileges, you didn’t and your rights should be revoked…permanently. Most people do, from time to time, spew foul garbage out of their mouths, but those people are not in front of such a large audience. Your words were not only damming they were downright dangerous. I must admit you fit right into the current establishment donning the White House. I’m sure they [Republicans] will all come to your aid, excuses readily available, defenses heightened. After all the show must go on…mustn’t it?
If there are any of my faithful readers out there who have been fortunate enough (trust me I did mean fortunate) not to have heard his evil spew, let me enlighten you:
On Tuesday's syndicated radio program, "The Radio Factor," Bill O’Reilly reflected his outrage at the two ballot measures that San Franciscans were in the process of approving on Election Day, that he didn’t quite appreciate the likely outcome of. So he said “If city voters were intent on voting to oppose military recruitment in public schools and to ban handgun ownership, then maybe it should be cut off from federal dollars.” He continues on to really drive it home to our San Franciscans..."You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right in to Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine, you want to be your own country? Go right ahead, and if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."
Of course Mr. Reilly you did attempt to make us all out to be the fools who couldn’t figure out that your were just kidding, what did you say, “you went into a satirical riff with a serious point” You also labeled the bloggers who called you on your idiocy “guttersnipes” Let me continue with what preceded that remark:
“Predictably, some far left Internet smear sites have launched a campaign to get me fired over my point of view. I believe they do this on a daily basis. This time, the theme is O'Reilly is encouraging terrorist attacks. Unbelievably stupid, but not unusual with these guttersnipes.”
Are you crazy Mr. Reilly? Are you stupid? Unequivocally yes to both! Now you state it’s your point of view, not a satirical riff. So which is it? My vote is that is your opinion, you truly feel that if we, the people, invoke our democratic right to vote the way we believe, the powers that be should be able to pressure us into voting the way some nut like you thinks we should be by coercing and threatening. Like I said before you fit right in, in D.C. To say that I am appalled would not even come close to the description. There should be consequences to your actions. People listen to you, people BELIEVE you. What ever happened to not promoting hate, stupidity and prejudice? Because clearly, your statements fall in each of those categories. What has happened to this country and its people of influence? Have you all been poisoned by your own bitterness that you project it onto the rest of the world? Being raised in nearly the same generation as you, by my grandparents from the generation before you, I was raised with American Pride. I would be deeply moved by Patriotic times. When I marched in the band on Memorial Day as a young girl through the graveyards of our forefathers who gave their life so that I could have all the opportunities afforded me, with each gunfire, tears would run down my face. On Veteran’s Day I would go with my grandfather to the local graveyards and make sure that all the vets had a new flag and that decorations on their graves stood tall. What happened to you Mr. Reilly and the other men and women like you to turn you into such unpatriotic heathens? Don’t trivialize and scoff at the bloggers like myself, who believe you should be held accountable and ultimately fired for your reprehensible behavior, because you should. In fact you should be put on that ‘list’ that isn’t allowed to fly. If I made a public statement like you did I would surely be investigated and probably thought to work for a terrorist group or at the very least willing to help them out. I suppose you think you ought to be exempt from that as well, right? So why don’t you add me and my blog to your list of ‘guttersnipes’ as it would be an honor. I wouldn’t want you to be unclear as to who is on your side and who is not, obviously I am not and besides maybe you can get some additional pity or some kind of government protection if you have this whole list of blogging ‘guttersnipes’ converging on your pathetic self and saying such horrible truthful things. Geez, I’m even starting to feel a bit sorry for you…NOT!!


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